Filtering and Groupby Answers#

Note: This answers sheet is incomplete

Part 1#

Run the following cells to import and clean the usgs data for the practice problems in part 1.

import random

import pandas as pd
# Read in the data
water_vars = pd.read_csv('../data/englewood_3_12_21_usgs_water.tsv', sep='\t', skiprows=30)
# There are a lot of variables here, so let's shorten our dataframe to a few variables
water_vars = water_vars[['datetime', '210920_00060', '210922_00010', '210924_00300', '210925_00400']]
# Get rid of the first row of hard-coded datatype info
water_vars = water_vars.drop(0)
# Rename the columns from their USGS codes to more human-readible names
name_codes = {'210920_00060': 'discharge','210922_00010': 'temperature', '210924_00300': 'dissolved oxygen', '210925_00400': 'pH'}
water_vars = water_vars.rename(columns=name_codes)
# Convert columns with numbers to a numeric type
water_vars['discharge'] = pd.to_numeric(water_vars['discharge'])
water_vars['temperature'] = pd.to_numeric(water_vars['temperature'])
water_vars['dissolved oxygen'] = pd.to_numeric(water_vars['dissolved oxygen'])
water_vars['pH'] = pd.to_numeric(water_vars['pH'])

water_vars['dam release'] = [random.choice([True, False]) for x in range(len(water_vars))]
water_vars['safety level'] = [random.choice(['low', 'medium', 'high']) for x in range(len(water_vars))]


  1. Look at the output of water_vars['safety level'] == 'high'. What is the output telling us? Was the safety level high during the observation at index 3?

  1. Create a dataframe showing which obersvations in water_vars recorded temperature less than 8.

  1. Create a dataframe showing which obersvations in water_vars recorded either dissolved oxygen less than or equal to 8 or pH greater than 8.

  1. Create a dataframe showing which obersvations in water_vars recorded discharge between 46 and 49.

Named Indexes#

The following bits of code add a new column to the dataframe made up of random letters and assigns them to a new column called 'sample id'. Run them before doing the next problems.

import string
letter_ids = [''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(5)) for x in range(146)]
water_vars['sample id'] = letter_ids
  1. Use the new 'sample id' column and set it as the index in the water_vars dataframe.

water_vars = water_vars.set_index('sample id')
datetime discharge temperature dissolved oxygen pH dam release safety level
sample id
cnqbq 2021-03-12 00:00 44.5 8.1 8.3 8.1 False high
yllcy 2021-03-12 00:15 44.5 8.1 8.2 8.1 True high
hjmnm 2021-03-12 00:30 44.5 8.1 8.2 8.1 True medium
vzbfl 2021-03-12 00:45 44.5 8.1 8.1 8.1 False low
ufpyz 2021-03-12 01:00 44.5 8.1 8.1 8.1 False high
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
plzun 2021-03-13 11:15 42.6 6.7 9.8 7.9 True high
hbseu 2021-03-13 11:30 42.6 6.7 9.9 7.9 False low
ylkka 2021-03-13 11:45 42.6 6.7 10.2 7.9 True medium
axxkh 2021-03-13 12:00 46.5 6.7 10.3 7.9 False medium
qlkna 2021-03-13 12:15 NaN 6.6 10.3 7.9 False low

146 rows × 7 columns

  1. Pick a sample id and get the data for just that row.

# print out your dataframe to pick an index that exists
# water_vars.loc['ceule']
  1. We have mostly been looking at boolean comparisons with numbers, but you can also interrogate strings with special methods and get a list of booleans as a result. Consider the following bit of code:

array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        True, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False,  True,
       False, False,  True, False, False,  True,  True, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        True,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,  True,
       False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,  True,
        True,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True, False,  True, False, False, False,  True, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,  True,
        True,  True])

This code is telling us True/False for which indexes contain the letter k in them.

Using what you know about pandas filtering, use water_vars.loc[] and the code above (water_vars.index.str.contains('k')) to filter the data frame to only return the rows which have an index containing the letter k.

datetime discharge temperature dissolved oxygen pH dam release safety level
sample id
mwlek 2021-03-12 02:45 44.5 7.9 7.9 8.1 False low
jorkv 2021-03-12 04:30 46.5 7.5 8.0 8.1 True high
ochke 2021-03-12 05:00 46.5 7.4 8.0 8.0 False medium
vunjk 2021-03-12 06:30 48.5 7.1 8.2 7.9 True high
fskas 2021-03-12 07:15 48.5 6.9 8.2 7.9 False medium
jknmz 2021-03-12 08:00 48.5 6.8 8.4 7.9 False high
uloxk 2021-03-12 08:15 48.5 6.7 8.4 7.9 True medium
ltktt 2021-03-12 13:30 40.8 7.6 11.9 8.1 False medium
tguik 2021-03-12 13:45 40.8 7.7 12.1 8.1 False medium
dzkcn 2021-03-12 20:00 46.5 8.2 10.3 8.0 False medium
ofkkd 2021-03-12 20:45 46.5 8.0 9.9 7.9 True medium
ivezk 2021-03-12 23:00 44.5 7.7 8.9 7.9 True low
jzkqk 2021-03-13 02:45 44.5 7.6 8.2 8.0 True medium
yakqi 2021-03-13 03:00 44.5 7.6 8.2 8.0 True medium
kfnyd 2021-03-13 03:15 44.5 7.6 8.2 8.0 True high
jwkqv 2021-03-13 05:30 46.5 7.3 8.2 7.9 False low
lanzk 2021-03-13 06:00 46.5 7.2 8.2 7.9 True medium
ekkur 2021-03-13 07:00 46.5 NaN 8.2 7.9 False high
dknty 2021-03-13 11:00 42.6 6.7 9.7 7.9 False high
ylkka 2021-03-13 11:45 42.6 6.7 10.2 7.9 True medium
axxkh 2021-03-13 12:00 46.5 6.7 10.3 7.9 False medium
qlkna 2021-03-13 12:15 NaN 6.6 10.3 7.9 False low


  1. Fill in the three groupby questions for the following scenario:

Given the environmental sustainbility index (ESI) for every country, what is the minimum ESI on each continent?

  • Which variable to group together?

  • How do we want to group?

  • What variable do we want to look at?

  1. Fill in the three groupby questions for the following scenario:

Given the graduation rates of many high school, what is the average graduation rate in public vs. private schools?

  • Which variable to group together?

  • How do we want to group?

  • What variable do we want to look at?

  1. Find the mean values of all of the columns at each safety level

water_vars.groupby("safety level").mean()
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in GroupBy._cython_agg_general.<locals>.array_func(values)
   1489 try:
-> 1490     result = self.grouper._cython_operation(
   1491         "aggregate",
   1492         values,
   1493         how,
   1494         axis=data.ndim - 1,
   1495         min_count=min_count,
   1496         **kwargs,
   1497     )
   1498 except NotImplementedError:
   1499     # generally if we have numeric_only=False
   1500     # and non-applicable functions
   1501     # try to python agg
   1502     # TODO: shouldn't min_count matter?

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in BaseGrouper._cython_operation(self, kind, values, how, axis, min_count, **kwargs)
    958 ngroups = self.ngroups
--> 959 return cy_op.cython_operation(
    960     values=values,
    961     axis=axis,
    962     min_count=min_count,
    963     comp_ids=ids,
    964     ngroups=ngroups,
    965     **kwargs,
    966 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in WrappedCythonOp.cython_operation(self, values, axis, min_count, comp_ids, ngroups, **kwargs)
    649     return self._ea_wrap_cython_operation(
    650         values,
    651         min_count=min_count,
    654         **kwargs,
    655     )
--> 657 return self._cython_op_ndim_compat(
    658     values,
    659     min_count=min_count,
    660     ngroups=ngroups,
    661     comp_ids=comp_ids,
    662     mask=None,
    663     **kwargs,
    664 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in WrappedCythonOp._cython_op_ndim_compat(self, values, min_count, ngroups, comp_ids, mask, result_mask, **kwargs)
    495     return res.T
--> 497 return self._call_cython_op(
    498     values,
    499     min_count=min_count,
    500     ngroups=ngroups,
    501     comp_ids=comp_ids,
    502     mask=mask,
    503     result_mask=result_mask,
    504     **kwargs,
    505 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in WrappedCythonOp._call_cython_op(self, values, min_count, ngroups, comp_ids, mask, result_mask, **kwargs)
    540 out_shape = self._get_output_shape(ngroups, values)
--> 541 func = self._get_cython_function(self.kind,, values.dtype, is_numeric)
    542 values = self._get_cython_vals(values)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in WrappedCythonOp._get_cython_function(cls, kind, how, dtype, is_numeric)
    171 if "object" not in f.__signatures__:
    172     # raise NotImplementedError here rather than TypeError later
--> 173     raise NotImplementedError(
    174         f"function is not implemented for this dtype: "
    175         f"[how->{how},dtype->{dtype_str}]"
    176     )
    177 return f

NotImplementedError: function is not implemented for this dtype: [how->mean,dtype->object]

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in _ensure_numeric(x)
   1691 try:
-> 1692     x = float(x)
   1693 except (TypeError, ValueError):
   1694     # e.g. "1+1j" or "foo"

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '2021-03-12 00:002021-03-12 00:152021-03-12 01:002021-03-12 02:152021-03-12 03:302021-03-12 04:302021-03-12 05:152021-03-12 05:302021-03-12 06:302021-03-12 06:452021-03-12 08:002021-03-12 09:452021-03-12 10:302021-03-12 11:152021-03-12 12:002021-03-12 12:152021-03-12 14:002021-03-12 14:452021-03-12 15:152021-03-12 16:002021-03-12 17:152021-03-12 17:452021-03-12 18:152021-03-12 19:002021-03-12 22:002021-03-12 23:302021-03-13 00:302021-03-13 00:452021-03-13 01:152021-03-13 01:302021-03-13 01:452021-03-13 03:152021-03-13 03:452021-03-13 04:302021-03-13 04:452021-03-13 05:452021-03-13 06:452021-03-13 07:002021-03-13 08:002021-03-13 08:152021-03-13 09:002021-03-13 09:452021-03-13 10:302021-03-13 10:452021-03-13 11:002021-03-13 11:15'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in _ensure_numeric(x)
   1695 try:
-> 1696     x = complex(x)
   1697 except ValueError as err:
   1698     # e.g. "foo"

ValueError: complex() arg is a malformed string

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 1
----> 1 water_vars.groupby("safety level").mean()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in GroupBy.mean(self, numeric_only, engine, engine_kwargs)
   1853     return self._numba_agg_general(sliding_mean, engine_kwargs)
   1854 else:
-> 1855     result = self._cython_agg_general(
   1856         "mean",
   1857         alt=lambda x: Series(x).mean(numeric_only=numeric_only),
   1858         numeric_only=numeric_only,
   1859     )
   1860     return result.__finalize__(self.obj, method="groupby")

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in GroupBy._cython_agg_general(self, how, alt, numeric_only, min_count, **kwargs)
   1503         result = self._agg_py_fallback(values, ndim=data.ndim, alt=alt)
   1505     return result
-> 1507 new_mgr = data.grouped_reduce(array_func)
   1508 res = self._wrap_agged_manager(new_mgr)
   1509 out = self._wrap_aggregated_output(res)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/internals/, in BlockManager.grouped_reduce(self, func)
   1499 if blk.is_object:
   1500     # split on object-dtype blocks bc some columns may raise
   1501     #  while others do not.
   1502     for sb in blk._split():
-> 1503         applied = sb.apply(func)
   1504         result_blocks = extend_blocks(applied, result_blocks)
   1505 else:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/internals/, in Block.apply(self, func, **kwargs)
    323 @final
    324 def apply(self, func, **kwargs) -> list[Block]:
    325     """
    326     apply the function to my values; return a block if we are not
    327     one
    328     """
--> 329     result = func(self.values, **kwargs)
    331     return self._split_op_result(result)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in GroupBy._cython_agg_general.<locals>.array_func(values)
   1490     result = self.grouper._cython_operation(
   1491         "aggregate",
   1492         values,
   1496         **kwargs,
   1497     )
   1498 except NotImplementedError:
   1499     # generally if we have numeric_only=False
   1500     # and non-applicable functions
   1501     # try to python agg
   1502     # TODO: shouldn't min_count matter?
-> 1503     result = self._agg_py_fallback(values, ndim=data.ndim, alt=alt)
   1505 return result

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in GroupBy._agg_py_fallback(self, values, ndim, alt)
   1452     ser = df.iloc[:, 0]
   1454 # We do not get here with UDFs, so we know that our dtype
   1455 #  should always be preserved by the implemented aggregations
   1456 # TODO: Is this exactly right; see WrappedCythonOp get_result_dtype?
-> 1457 res_values = self.grouper.agg_series(ser, alt, preserve_dtype=True)
   1459 if isinstance(values, Categorical):
   1460     # Because we only get here with known dtype-preserving
   1461     #  reductions, we cast back to Categorical.
   1462     # TODO: if we ever get "rank" working, exclude it here.
   1463     res_values = type(values)._from_sequence(res_values, dtype=values.dtype)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in BaseGrouper.agg_series(self, obj, func, preserve_dtype)
    987 if len(obj) > 0 and not isinstance(obj._values, np.ndarray):
    988     # we can preserve a little bit more aggressively with EA dtype
    989     #  because maybe_cast_pointwise_result will do a try/except
    990     #  with _from_sequence.  NB we are assuming here that _from_sequence
    991     #  is sufficiently strict that it casts appropriately.
    992     preserve_dtype = True
--> 994 result = self._aggregate_series_pure_python(obj, func)
    996 npvalues = lib.maybe_convert_objects(result, try_float=False)
    997 if preserve_dtype:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in BaseGrouper._aggregate_series_pure_python(self, obj, func)
   1012 splitter = self._get_splitter(obj, axis=0)
   1014 for i, group in enumerate(splitter):
-> 1015     res = func(group)
   1016     res = libreduction.extract_result(res)
   1018     if not initialized:
   1019         # We only do this validation on the first iteration

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/, in GroupBy.mean.<locals>.<lambda>(x)
   1853     return self._numba_agg_general(sliding_mean, engine_kwargs)
   1854 else:
   1855     result = self._cython_agg_general(
   1856         "mean",
-> 1857         alt=lambda x: Series(x).mean(numeric_only=numeric_only),
   1858         numeric_only=numeric_only,
   1859     )
   1860     return result.__finalize__(self.obj, method="groupby")

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in NDFrame._add_numeric_operations.<locals>.mean(self, axis, skipna, numeric_only, **kwargs)
  11539 @doc(
  11540     _num_doc,
  11541     desc="Return the mean of the values over the requested axis.",
  11554     **kwargs,
  11555 ):
> 11556     return NDFrame.mean(self, axis, skipna, numeric_only, **kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in NDFrame.mean(self, axis, skipna, numeric_only, **kwargs)
  11194 def mean(
  11195     self,
  11196     axis: Axis | None = 0,
  11199     **kwargs,
  11200 ) -> Series | float:
> 11201     return self._stat_function(
  11202         "mean", nanops.nanmean, axis, skipna, numeric_only, **kwargs
  11203     )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in NDFrame._stat_function(self, name, func, axis, skipna, numeric_only, **kwargs)
  11154     nv.validate_stat_func((), kwargs, fname=name)
  11156 validate_bool_kwarg(skipna, "skipna", none_allowed=False)
> 11158 return self._reduce(
  11159     func, name=name, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, numeric_only=numeric_only
  11160 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in Series._reduce(self, op, name, axis, skipna, numeric_only, filter_type, **kwds)
   4665     raise TypeError(
   4666         f"Series.{name} does not allow {kwd_name}={numeric_only} "
   4667         "with non-numeric dtypes."
   4668     )
   4669 with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
-> 4670     return op(delegate, skipna=skipna, **kwds)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in disallow.__call__.<locals>._f(*args, **kwargs)
     94 try:
     95     with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
---> 96         return f(*args, **kwargs)
     97 except ValueError as e:
     98     # we want to transform an object array
     99     # ValueError message to the more typical TypeError
    100     # e.g. this is normally a disallowed function on
    101     # object arrays that contain strings
    102     if is_object_dtype(args[0]):

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in bottleneck_switch.__call__.<locals>.f(values, axis, skipna, **kwds)
    156         result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds)
    157 else:
--> 158     result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds)
    160 return result

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in _datetimelike_compat.<locals>.new_func(values, axis, skipna, mask, **kwargs)
    418 if datetimelike and mask is None:
    419     mask = isna(values)
--> 421 result = func(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, mask=mask, **kwargs)
    423 if datetimelike:
    424     result = _wrap_results(result, orig_values.dtype, fill_value=iNaT)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in nanmean(values, axis, skipna, mask)
    724     dtype_count = dtype
    726 count = _get_counts(values.shape, mask, axis, dtype=dtype_count)
--> 727 the_sum = _ensure_numeric(values.sum(axis, dtype=dtype_sum))
    729 if axis is not None and getattr(the_sum, "ndim", False):
    730     count = cast(np.ndarray, count)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/sarp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/, in _ensure_numeric(x)
   1696             x = complex(x)
   1697         except ValueError as err:
   1698             # e.g. "foo"
-> 1699             raise TypeError(f"Could not convert {x} to numeric") from err
   1700 return x

TypeError: Could not convert 2021-03-12 00:002021-03-12 00:152021-03-12 01:002021-03-12 02:152021-03-12 03:302021-03-12 04:302021-03-12 05:152021-03-12 05:302021-03-12 06:302021-03-12 06:452021-03-12 08:002021-03-12 09:452021-03-12 10:302021-03-12 11:152021-03-12 12:002021-03-12 12:152021-03-12 14:002021-03-12 14:452021-03-12 15:152021-03-12 16:002021-03-12 17:152021-03-12 17:452021-03-12 18:152021-03-12 19:002021-03-12 22:002021-03-12 23:302021-03-13 00:302021-03-13 00:452021-03-13 01:152021-03-13 01:302021-03-13 01:452021-03-13 03:152021-03-13 03:452021-03-13 04:302021-03-13 04:452021-03-13 05:452021-03-13 06:452021-03-13 07:002021-03-13 08:002021-03-13 08:152021-03-13 09:002021-03-13 09:452021-03-13 10:302021-03-13 10:452021-03-13 11:002021-03-13 11:15 to numeric
  1. Find the mean values of all of the columns at each discharge (less meaningful, but just for practice)

temperature dissolved oxygen pH dam release
39.0 8.385714 12.957143 8.200000 0.571429
40.8 8.027273 12.309091 8.136364 0.272727
42.6 7.261538 10.807692 7.992308 0.461538
44.5 7.665385 8.778846 8.005769 0.480769
46.5 7.314583 8.820000 7.922000 0.360000
48.5 7.008333 8.216667 7.933333 0.833333
  1. Find the number of non-nan observations for each column at each safety level

water_vars.groupby("safety level").count()
datetime discharge temperature dissolved oxygen pH dam release
safety level
high 46 46 46 46 46 46
low 53 53 51 53 53 53
medium 47 46 47 47 47 47
  1. Display the mean values of just the temperature column at each safety level

water_vars.groupby("safety level")['temperature'].mean()
safety level
high      7.426087
low       7.590196
medium    7.512766
Name: temperature, dtype: float64

Part 2#

For the next set of practice problems we are going to use the WAS 2020 SARP data. Run the following lines of code to import the data.

was_2020_filepath = "../data/SARP 2020 final.xlsx"
was_2020 = pd.read_excel(was_2020_filepath, "INPUT", skipfooter=7)

Question 1#

A) Using was_2020 find data samples where 'CO2 (ppmv)' was greater than 420.

was_2020[was_2020['CO2 (ppmv)'] > 420]
Can # Snake can # Location State Box Date Time Altitude (m) Temp. Celsius Wind Spd (mph) ... 3-Ethyltoluene (MS) 4-Ethyltoluene (MS) 2-Ethyltoluene (MS) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (MS) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (MS) alpha-Pinene (B/MS) beta-Pinene (B/MS) Unnamed: 113 Box.1 CH4 (ppmv height).1
1 7338 3716 Buffalo Park, Flagstaff, Arizona Arizona 37 2020-04-24 11:44:00 2100 18 5 ... 12 16 15 14 22 31 9 NaN 37 1.916
3 5012 3702 Buffalo Park, Flagstaff, Arizona Arizona 37 2020-05-01 11:16:00 2100 19 16 ... -888 -888 -888 -888 -888 22 -888 NaN 37 1.895
5 5061 3703 Downtown Sedona, Arizona Arizona 37 2020-05-01 12:40:00 1350 26 8 ... -888 3 -888 -888 5 26 -888 NaN 37 1.907
13 6123 3721 Mars Hill/Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona Arizona 37 2020-06-03 12:50:00 2200 27 8 ... 4 -888 -888 -888 6 67 16 NaN 37 1.887
15 7335 3711 Downtown Sedona, Arizona Arizona 37 2020-06-21 17:20:00 1350 36 12 ... 34 15 13 16 51 16 -888 NaN 37 1.902
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
898 9172 2211 Elizabeth Park, central Bellingham, Washington Washington 22 2020-06-05 10:59:00 22 16.1 5 ... 5 -888 -888 -888 7 5 -888 NaN 22 2.041
902 9168 2208 My backyard, rural Bellingham, Washington Washington 22 2020-07-15 10:00:00 153 17.2 0-2mph ... 4 3 3 -888 8 121 26 NaN 22 1.916
905 5109 2601 Carl Traeger middle school, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Wisconsin 26 2020-04-15 10:49:00 243.84 -2.2 7 ... 55 25 17 19 64 47 11 NaN 26 1.968
906 7027 2616 South Park, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Wisconsin 26 2020-04-15 11:01:00 231.64 -1.1 3 ... -888 -888 -888 -888 4 -888 -888 NaN 26 1.965
908 5131 2602 South Park, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Wisconsin 26 2020-04-22 12:26:00 231.64 7.2 17 ... -888 -888 -888 -888 -888 3 -888 NaN 26 1.953

420 rows × 116 columns

B) How many data samples had CO2 over 420?

Question 2#

A) What is the mean value of 'Isoprene (E/B)' accross all the samples?

was_2020['Isoprene (E/B)'].mean()

B) How many dta samples had values of ‘Isoprene (E/B)’ below 10?

was_2020[was_2020['Isoprene (E/B)'] < 10]['Isoprene (E/B)']
0        4
26       5
27    -888
35       5
66       6
911      5
912   -888
915      5
917      4
920      4
Name: Isoprene (E/B), Length: 157, dtype: int64

C) Print out the values of isoprene from the previous part of the question which are less than 10. Do you notice anything unusual about the values?

D) Looking at the values in the previous question you might see that several values are marked with -888. This is likely a nodata value (but its always good to check the data documentation to be sure).

Knowing that there are now nodata values, go back and ammend your code to find the rows where isoprene is less than 10 but also not equal to -888. Now how many rows are there?

E) What is the true mean value of isoprene?

This question was brought to you today as a gentle reminder to always be on the lookout for nodata 🙂

Question 3#

There are a lot of data columns in this dataset, many more than we can reasonably view in the preview. To help us explore our data better we might want to view a smaller subset of the data at once.

A) Create a dataframe that includes only the following columns from the was_2020 dataset: 'Can #', 'State', 'Date', 'CO (ppbv)', and 'OCS (MS)'.

B) Let’s say you would like to view all of the columns of CFCs together. There are several columns that all start with CFC-: ‘CFC-12 (C/D)’, ‘CFC-11 (D/MS)’, ‘CFC-113 (D)’, ‘CFC-114 (MS)’.

Create a dataframe that includes just the columns whose names start with “CFC-“.

Google help: try “pandas filter by column name string”. This stackoverflow also has several options. The first few use a method called “list comprehension” that we haven’t talked about in lecture yet. Further down are a few other options to try that don’t use that technique.

C) Use the subset of data you created in part be and return just the columns of CFCs and only the rows of samples that were taken in Arizona.

Question 4 - groupby questions#

A) What are the mean values of 'CO (ppbv)' from each box?

was_2020.groupby('Box')['CO (ppbv)'].mean()
1     128.652174
3     141.217391
4     125.565217
6     114.333333
7     138.695652
8     204.454545
9     182.045455
10    122.217391
12    240.041667
14    121.818182
15    136.850000
16    127.083333
17    147.826087
19    137.863636
22    108.695652
23    151.958333
26    119.625000
27    157.739130
28    150.391304
29    152.304348
30    115.909091
31    136.125000
32    120.565217
34    118.380952
35    154.318182
36    159.541667
37    111.727273
38    120.285714
40    121.652174
41    197.045455
46    155.136364
49    102.125000
50    132.363636
52    102.625000
54    101.400000
55    107.521739
56    155.590909
57    143.000000
60    112.333333
61    110.260870
62    133.391304
Name: CO (ppbv), dtype: float64

B) What is the minimum value of 'CH4 (ppmv height)' for each Weather condition?

was_2020.groupby('Weather')['CH4 (ppmv height)'].min()
Clear                            1.892
Clear and sunny                  1.882
Clear skies and sunny            1.936
Clear skies, sunny, warm wind    1.933
Clear/Sunny                      1.976
sunny sky but hazy               1.980
sunny, but a bit hazy            1.950
sunny, hazy                      1.993
sunny, slightly hazy             1.976
windy, about to rain             1.932
Name: CH4 (ppmv height), Length: 87, dtype: float64

C) How many samples were taken in each state?

was_2020.groupby("State")["Can #"].count()
Arizona           22
California       204
Colorado          64
Connecticut       23
Florida           22
Georgia           23
Illinois          22
Kentucky          24
Louisiana         21
Massachusetts     46
Minnesota         24
Missouri          22
New Jersey        23
New York          94
Ohio              22
Oregon            24
Texas            113
Utah              23
Virginia          66
Washington        23
Wisconsin         24
Name: Can #, dtype: int64

For the final two questions we will switch back to the water dataset

Question 5#

.groupby also allows you to group on multiple fields. So instead of saying “what is the mean value of CO in each state?”, we can be more specific, and ask, “What is the mean value of CO in each state at every wind speed?”

We do this by using a list of values in the .groupby() argument instead of just a single column string.

.groupby(["Box", "Wind Spd (mph)"])

A) Try using this syntax to find the mean value of CO in each state at every wind speed

was_2020.groupby(["State", "Wind Spd (mph)"])['CO (ppbv)'].mean()['Illinois']
Wind Spd (mph)
3        128.0
4        124.5
5        229.5
6        122.5
7        151.0
8        153.0
9         79.0
10        97.0
11       115.0
15-25     94.0
15-26    108.0
15-27    116.0
17-26    109.0
18-26    111.0
Name: CO (ppbv), dtype: float64

B) What was the mean value of CO in Georgia when the wind speed was 8 mph?

Question 6#

The current .groupby function allows to use a single aggregation function at once – we can see either the means for every columns, or the max of every column, and so on.

To look use different aggregation functions for different columns we drop the aggregation function and instead use .agg().

Here is an example using the water dataset:

water_vars.groupby("dam release").agg(
    max_discharge=pd.NamedAgg(column='discharge', aggfunc='max'), 
    mean_doxy=pd.NamedAgg(column="dissolved oxygen", aggfunc='mean')
max_discharge mean_doxy
dam release
False 48.5 9.466667
True 48.5 9.343243

Use the .agg() function to find the maximum values of 'CH4 (ppmv height)', the mean values of ‘Toluene (E/B/MS)’, and the total number of samples for each state.

# copied improperly
# was_2020.groupby("State").agg(
#     max_discharge=pd.NamedAgg(column='discharge', aggfunc='max'), 
#     mean_doxy=pd.NamedAgg(column="dissolved oxygen", aggfunc='mean')
# )